
Who do men say that Jesus is?

The Cambridge-educated English writer and comedian Stephen Fry said this about God, live on television: “Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world so full of injustice and pain?” Given that the Bible asserts that all Creation came into being through Christ, then if the Bible is right, logically Stephen… Continue reading Who do men say that Jesus is?

Who is Jesus, really?

Who is Jesus, really? Muslims claims that Jesus is only a prophet, not the Son of God.  While Jesus did prophesy concerning the end of this age of the world, He claimed to be a lot more.  He fulfilled 586 Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah.  Here are some recorded statements of Jesus, just from… Continue reading Who is Jesus, really?

The Reason why Christmas is Merry

“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honour Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan- The people walking in darkness have seen a… Continue reading The Reason why Christmas is Merry

Christian Strategy and the Rise of Islamic Influence in International Law-making

Let me start by making this point – the Church is not a state: it is a teacher of nations and a healer of people in heart, soul, mind and body, or should be. Increasingly, many national governments are trying to snuff out the light of Christ, to close down the churches and eliminate any… Continue reading Christian Strategy and the Rise of Islamic Influence in International Law-making

The Age of the Universe – what does the Bible say?

The Bible is not a book of science, but it does claim to be ‘profitable for teaching’.  This implies, at the very least, it should not tell us things that are contradicted by reality, provided we possess a right understand both the Bible and reality.   The Bible is earnestly challenged by sceptics concerning the age… Continue reading The Age of the Universe – what does the Bible say?

Khadim Hussain Rizvi – his methods and beliefs

I want to express my thanks for the Government of Pakistan, and in particular the Prime Minister, Imran Khan, for retaining in custody the Muslim cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi.  Mr Rizvi is the leader of a Pakistani religious political party, Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), which he founded. Mr Rizvi has an interesting reputation within the Government,… Continue reading Khadim Hussain Rizvi – his methods and beliefs

The Cross and the Sword

Throughout the last 2,000 years of history, Christians have faced the problem of whether it is ever justified to use violence.  This is a uniquely Christian problem, given the overwhelmingly peaceful teachings and example of Christ.  Hindus, animists, pagans (worshippers of many gods), Jews, and then Moslems and more latterly atheists do not seem to… Continue reading The Cross and the Sword

The Parable of the Talents – what does Jesus mean?

In His last cycle of public teaching using parables, Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God: “For it is just like a man, going abroad, who called his own bondservants and gave to them his possessions.  And to one he gave five silver talents, but to another two, and to another one; to each according… Continue reading The Parable of the Talents – what does Jesus mean?

An Odd Redefinition of Justice

CNN commentator Lamont Hill  is a Temple University Professor in  Media Studies and Urban Education at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  At the United Nations, Professor Lamont Hill explicitly called for the destruction of Israel even though he denies that intent.  This was his statement: “Contrary to western mythology, black resistance to American apartheid did… Continue reading An Odd Redefinition of Justice

Some Archaeological Evidence Supporting The New Testament

Yesterday I wrote a rebuttal to the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s comments earlier this week about there being no evidence for Jesus Christ in any books of history. Today I came across this article from Premier Christianity magazine, which I reproduce in its entirety, with thanks, to which I have added an addition from a… Continue reading Some Archaeological Evidence Supporting The New Testament