
The Unchangeable Jesus Christ

It’s written in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the same and unchangeable yesterday, today and forever And He wants to make you the same It’s His will that you also become unchangeable The decision you have taken that you won’t sin again Stay firm on that The decision you have taken that you won’t… Continue reading The Unchangeable Jesus Christ

Nigeria – The valley of decision for the global Church

The church worldwide has two critical issues to deal with at the same time: the challenge of militant Islam and the challenge of secularist atheism.  These issues are critical because both militant Islam and secularist atheism are operating in a coordinated attack not only on Christians but also on the Christian contributions to Western culture. … Continue reading Nigeria – The valley of decision for the global Church

Do you know the 10 Commandments?

God sent 10 simple but important commandments for the good functioning of humanity. He abhors sin and everything He wrote was for us to remain in holiness. The commandments He sent are logical and good. Our team in Madrid decided to find out how much people are aware of those commandments. There were some who… Continue reading Do you know the 10 Commandments?

Don´t Judge

Last week, a strange little boy arrived at my school. I and my class fellows started bullying him without knowing what he had gone through. Very next day the boy told us his story and that’s when we realized, that we shouldn’t have insulted and talked bad about him without knowing what he had gone… Continue reading Don´t Judge

The Abuse of Egypt’s Coptic Christians

The violence, and incitement to violence, directed by Egyptian Muslims against the Copts — especially those organized sectarian campaigns by the Muslim Brotherhood and related groups — are crimes against humanity and should be treated as such by the international community. We know that a few drops of lemon will curdle an entire bowl of… Continue reading The Abuse of Egypt’s Coptic Christians

What Godly parents should tell their Children

2 Peter 1:12 – For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things…  Getting older brings clarity to what’s important. While we want our kids to remember their times, we want to leave them with a godly legacy. With this goal in mind, let’s look at what every parent… Continue reading What Godly parents should tell their Children

Managing Your Emotions God’s Way

Do negative emotions threaten to overwhelm you? Through the power of God’s word, they do not have to overcome you! God created us to experience emotions, however there are Godly and ungodly methods to manage them. Consider the word itself: e-motion. Emotions move you to action. Your emotions originate from your thoughts. If your emotions… Continue reading Managing Your Emotions God’s Way

Watch your mouth

Proverbs 18:21 – Tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it’s fruit. “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” is a phrase my siblings and I heard frequently from our parents during our developmental years. “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” was used as a reminder for my siblings and I to stay within… Continue reading Watch your mouth

Speaking Graciously

James 1:26 – Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Proverbs 11:13 – A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. Psalm 101:5 – Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence.… Continue reading Speaking Graciously

What did Jesus mean by loving enemies; compromise, betrayal and defeat?

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said the following remarkable thing: ‘Love your enemies’. It is no secret that down the centuries Christians and their Church leaders have struggled with this verse. What does it mean and how far do you take it? Does it mean, for example, that you should be passive and… Continue reading What did Jesus mean by loving enemies; compromise, betrayal and defeat?