
Christian Strategy in the ‘Final’ Century – Part 1

While we do not know when Jesus will return, the way scientists describe the challenges humanity will face toward the end of this century and into the next sound very similar to the Biblical prophecies concerning the time before the second coming of Christ. The Church is already under significant pressure from both external forces… Continue reading Christian Strategy in the ‘Final’ Century – Part 1

Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

1 When Jesus was nailed on the cross He said, ‘Father, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing.’ 2 Jesus was crucified between two thieves, one of whom supports Jesus’ innocence and asks him to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Jesus replies; Truly, I say to you, today you… Continue reading Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

Peace to Prosperity? The Trump Peace Plan and its implications

The Trump Peace Plan is a Vision to establish a ‘Palestinian’ State in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, also known nowadays as the ‘West Bank’.  It outlines how the ‘Palestinians’ can have a self-governing region as their own, on condition that is demilitarised, i.e. free of heavy destructive weapons and air power, i.e.… Continue reading Peace to Prosperity? The Trump Peace Plan and its implications

Drunk with the blood of the saints

‘Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgement of the great whore who is seated on many waters,  with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of whose fornication the inhabitants of the earth… Continue reading Drunk with the blood of the saints

Men fainting at heart from fear and expectation

It is a curious social phenomenon, this climate change debate.  In all the writing I have done over the years about Christianity, Islam, the Bible and other topics, none produces so much reaction as writing about climate change.  What is it, I wonder, that makes this such a controversial topic? It should be straightforward.  Scientists… Continue reading Men fainting at heart from fear and expectation

Islamic Dreams and Biblical Prophecy

‘On January 17, 2020, a video was uploaded to the Internet of an event at the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque’ in Jerusalem on the anniversary of the 1453 AD capture of Constantinople by the army of the Ottoman Empire, commanded by Sultan Mehmed II. The event at the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque’ was held by Hizb ut-Tahrir. Palestinian preacher… Continue reading Islamic Dreams and Biblical Prophecy

A Question of Right and Wrong

I was reading Raymond Ibrahim’s recent monthly report on the persecution of Christians by Muslims, and it prompted me to consider this question: What is it that distinguishes Islam and Christianity over what it considers to be good, and what it considers to be evil? In Christianity the guiding principle is one of reciprocity. Jesus… Continue reading A Question of Right and Wrong

Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

“The Turkish persecution of Pontian Greeks and other Christian peoples began after the fall of Trabzon, starting slowly at first and gradually becoming more widespread and terrifying… Many Christians reluctantly converted to Islam to avoid oppression… and merely to survive. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, approximately 250,000 Pontian Greeks were forced to convert…. and… Continue reading Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

How correct it is to celebrate Jesus´ birth on December 25th?

I have some crazy news for you. Jesus was most likely not born on December 25th. Now, I know you are probably perplexed and maybe a little concerned or frustrated. In fact, when people realize that Jesus was most likely not born on December 25th they suggest us getting rid of Christmas altogether, that there… Continue reading How correct it is to celebrate Jesus´ birth on December 25th?

‘The Dream Has Happened: Pastor Brunson’s Prophetic Dream Reveals Chilling Truth of Turkish Invasion

JERUSALEM, Israel – As the Turkish military pushes deeper into northeast Syria forcing thousands to flee for their lives, US Pastor Andrew Brunson is revealing a chilling prophetic dream he had while he was falsely imprisoned in Turkey for two years.  “The dream has happened,” he told Fox News. “My goal is about declaring who… Continue reading ‘The Dream Has Happened: Pastor Brunson’s Prophetic Dream Reveals Chilling Truth of Turkish Invasion