
The Event that Changed the Universe – Making Sure Jesus Stays Dead

‘The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate.  ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, “After three days I will rise again.”  So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – Making Sure Jesus Stays Dead

The Event that Changed the Universe – The Day God’s blood was shed

The provocative title for this article in the series only makes sense if Jesus is, as St. Paul wrote, ‘the visible image of the invisible God.’  Many people stumble of the notion of God being both one and three, but ask any of them if they can let you have a copy of a piece… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – The Day God’s blood was shed

The Event that Changed the Universe – Jesus´ Final Instructions to His Disciples before His Arrest

Avoiding the religious leaders who were looking to find a way to arrest Him, Jesus arranges to meet with His disciples to speak with them his final words.  John records much of the conversation that night.  It is worth reading at a sitting. ‘It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – Jesus´ Final Instructions to His Disciples before His Arrest

The Event that Changed the Universe – The End of the World as We Know It

The next day the disciples have conversations with Jesus about the glories of the temple, and Jesus predicts that the temple will be destroyed, not one stoning standing on another.  Not realising that Jesus is predicting the Roman destruction of the temple that happened in 70 AD some forty years into the future, they assume… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – The End of the World as We Know It

The Event that Changed the Universe – Who gave you this authority?

During these days, it was recorded that Jesus would go up to the temple, teach the crowds and heal the sick – and they were cured, instantly.  The atmosphere was exhilarating, even the children would sing out, ‘Hosanna to the son of David’.  Hosanna is not a word that is easy to translate, but it… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – Who gave you this authority?

The event that changed the universe – Jesus explains what He is about to Do

Yesterday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a humble king, riding on a donkey.  The crowds had great expectations of their saviour king, but it had not occurred to them what his plan was. In this series I highlight just a few of the events of that week.  The next day, Monday, John records this event:… Continue reading The event that changed the universe – Jesus explains what He is about to Do

The Event that Changed the Universe – Jesus Rides into Jerusalem

In relation to belief in God, the late Christopher Hitchens wrote: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”, an aphorism that has become known as ‘Hitchens’ razor’.  His point was that since assertions about God are unsupported by evidence, then those assertions can, and should, be dismissed. His argument assumes there… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – Jesus Rides into Jerusalem

How the world works, and how it could in the future

In the 29 March 2019 issue of the London Financial Times, an article on page 6 caught my eye.  “OIL DEPENDENCY.  US shale bonanza boosts support for Israel, says official”, ran the headline. “The US shale boom has made it possible for the Trump administration to take stronger positions in support of Israel, including recognising… Continue reading How the world works, and how it could in the future

More Education needed at the UK’s Home Office

The Home Office is facing yet more questions about its attitude towards Christian asylum seekers amid claims it rejected another Iranian man’s application to move to Britain by telling him, ‘your belief in Jesus is half-hearted’. An Iranian Asylum seeker who had converted from Islam to Christianity had his application rejected after an official criticised… Continue reading More Education needed at the UK’s Home Office

Educating Her Majesty’s Government

Recently an Iranian Muslim who had converted to Christianity was actually denied asylum in the UK because, according to the Home Office, his premise was wrong. The asylum seeker claimed that he had converted to Christianity because it is a religion of peace, whereas Islam is not.  As he put it: ‘In Islam there is… Continue reading Educating Her Majesty’s Government