
God is Love

Hello again and welcome back. One of the series that we will be teaching next couple of months in our Church, I wish you were here; is “what is love God to do with it” it is a play of words because we know it is a song but it is more than that. It is “what is love God to do with it” it really means everything, God is love and I know that we say that so loosely sometimes “God is love” but it is more than that. God is love regardless of our circumstances.

God loves you and God loves me, it is not depended upon our abilities to work harder, to pray harder, to read more. God is not love by our works or how much money we have or how much we give to the poor. It does not matter. God is love and His love is in you and me, not based upon our stature, whether if we are rich, poor or if we were raised up with a different pedagogy of family, does not matter.

God is love regardless of our present circumstances. It is so, one of the hardest things to recognize because sometime we do not feel good ourselves or we get up out of bed and we are just having one of those days. I know, I had them sometimes, I just do not feel like God is love. Sometimes I just do not feel like getting up and talk to people, having to go and do because I just do not feel like God is love in me, but regardless of our personal circumstances and regardless of how I feel, whether if I am in doubt or whether if I am happy or sad, all the emotional rollercoasters that we live, God is always love, God loves you, God loves me, not depending upon what we do or say or work towards. God loves us unconditional, that is the beautiful thing. Perhaps my love for you is conditional “hey, if you do this for me then I will like you more” it should not be, but I am human. We are human so we hurt, we bleed, we get up grumpy, we get up happy, it does not matter that our emotions go up and down, depending on the weather sometimes.

Not God! God is steady, God is strong and God’s love for you and for me will always be there. And for you who call God your Heavenly Father, then we are His sons. We are His heirs. He will always love us. That is to me very assuring, that regardless of how I feel, regardless of having just an awful day, the reassurance I have is that God is love and God loves me and guess what, He loves you too. I Hope you believe it because it is true, God is love and God loves you and so do I. God bless you all.

Pastor David Michael Santiago

International Church Madrid