Through this video, Late Pastor Rafique Masih shares his views on the ongoing persecution of Christians in Pakistan. According to him:
Christians are facing cruelty because it has been said in the Bible. “In the end days Christians will have to bear very much hate because of me” this is what Jesus said long ago. We must keep reading the Bible in order to not get dishearten. The issue of Christian persecution is not going to be solved but rather become worse.
According to the Bible the persecution against the followers of Christ will increase to its highest in the later days. The torture, violence, and use of blasphemy law on Christians increases on a daily basis. “As the end times come closer, the level of persecution will get higher” this is what is said by Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 24. This is just the beginning of persecution.
It has been 7 years that poor “Asia Bibi” has been detained despite of being innocent and they (the Muslims) do not let her free. Just like that there are several other cases. Not only Asia Bibi´s case but many other Christians were detained cunningly under blasphemy law and were sentenced to death. So, this is all happening according to the Word of God which says that Christians will have to bear such kind of persecution.
Jesus Christ said that; “For being my follower people will persecute you, will tell all kinds of evil lies against you and will even kill you” this is what is written in the Word of God.