
Jesus; The Prince of Peace

The Father of John the Baptist prophesied the before John the Baptist was born, saying: “You, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for ‘you will travel before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways.’  You are to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins,… Continue reading Jesus; The Prince of Peace

Jesus or ISIS?

The Islamic State continues with its threats against what it perceives as the Christian West, though I wish the West were a lot more Christian, not less. But it seems to me that Muslims around the world are also being challenged by ISIS and many similar groups equally dedicated to violence. New names for new… Continue reading Jesus or ISIS?

Prayer for Our Enemies

Jesus, Prince of Peace, you have asked us to love our enemies  and pray for those who persecute us. We pray for our enemies and those who oppose us. With the help of the Holy Spirit,  may all people learn to work together  for that justice which brings true and lasting peace. To you be glory and… Continue reading Prayer for Our Enemies