
What is baptism?

Greetings in the name of Lord. Let us talk today about baptism. What is baptism? Who should get baptized? When? And why is it necessary to receive baptism? Receiving baptism means starting a new life in Christ and leaving behind the old sinful life, following the Word of God, living a pure Christian life and… Continue reading What is baptism?

What Godly parents should tell their Children

2 Peter 1:12 – For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things…  Getting older brings clarity to what’s important. While we want our kids to remember their times, we want to leave them with a godly legacy. With this goal in mind, let’s look at what every parent… Continue reading What Godly parents should tell their Children

Christ and Capital

Christ and Capital Jesus said: ‘Do not store up treasures for you upon the earth, where moth and rust ingest, and where thieves burrow through and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust ingest, and where thieves do not burrow through or steal. For where your treasure is,… Continue reading Christ and Capital