
One Court Case Away from England’s Betrayal of its Founding Values

King Alfred the Great, the Saxon King of Wessex and then the Anglo Saxons from 871 to 899 AD, established the concept of England as a Christian nation with the Church at the heart of its nation and government.  He established a system of English Common Law based on the Old Testament Torah, but softened… Continue reading One Court Case Away from England’s Betrayal of its Founding Values

Burnley’s Pastor Mick – from dangerous drug dealer to lifesaver

Two weeks ago, millions of people watched Pastor Mick Fleming and Father Alex Frost on BBC News, feeding and clothing the poor in Burnley. Many were moved by their work, and since then they have received more than £250,000 in donations. But Mick’s life wasn’t always about love and care. He was once a dangerous,… Continue reading Burnley’s Pastor Mick – from dangerous drug dealer to lifesaver

An Unsettled Briton: Confessions of a Second Generation, Christian, Immigrant

My mother left Holland when she was 17 to work in England as an au pair.  Two years later she was married and shortly after her 20th birthday she gave birth to a baby boy – me.  Four hundred years before Queen Elizabeth 1 was persuaded by one of her advisers that England should use… Continue reading An Unsettled Briton: Confessions of a Second Generation, Christian, Immigrant