
Being angry at God!

Do you always get angry at God for your problems? How right or wrong is that? We should never be angry at God especially for our own foolishness, mistakes, and sins. We say things like, “God why didn’t you stop me from making that decision? Why did you put that person in my life who… Continue reading Being angry at God!

Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

“The Turkish persecution of Pontian Greeks and other Christian peoples began after the fall of Trabzon, starting slowly at first and gradually becoming more widespread and terrifying… Many Christians reluctantly converted to Islam to avoid oppression… and merely to survive. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, approximately 250,000 Pontian Greeks were forced to convert…. and… Continue reading Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

A Religion of Peace! Really?

Like many readers of JCM, I have been reading and listening with interest to the reaction to the slaying of Major General Qasem Soleimani. Qasem Soleimani was an Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and, from 1998 until his death, commander of its Quds Force, a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial… Continue reading A Religion of Peace! Really?

Ayatollah Khomeini: The Greatest Christian Missionary in the History of Iran

What if I told you that the greatest Christian missionary in the history of Iran was a devout Muslim? You’d think I was crazy, right? Or, at the very least, a liar. But I’ve heard from more than one Iranian Christian over the past 20 years that the greatest missionary in the history of Iran… Continue reading Ayatollah Khomeini: The Greatest Christian Missionary in the History of Iran

Avoid doing things hated by God

Avoid doing things hated by God Proverbs 6:16-19 – Here are six things that the Lord hates. In fact seven are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes A lying tongue Hands that shed innocent blood A heart that devises wicked plans Feet that make haste to run to evil A false witness who breathes out… Continue reading Avoid doing things hated by God

What is the anointing?

What is the anointing? The New Testament Greek words for “anoint” are chrio, which means “to smear or rub with oil” and, by implication, “to consecrate for office or religious service”; and aleipho, which means “to anoint.” In Bible times, people were anointed with oil to signify God’s blessing or call on that person’s life. A person… Continue reading What is the anointing?

Amazing facts about the Holy Bible

Amazing facts about the Holy Bible The Writing of the Bible The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years by approximately 40 men. The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100. Languages Initially the Bible was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. The Divisions of the… Continue reading Amazing facts about the Holy Bible

How correct it is to celebrate Jesus´ birth on December 25th?

I have some crazy news for you. Jesus was most likely not born on December 25th. Now, I know you are probably perplexed and maybe a little concerned or frustrated. In fact, when people realize that Jesus was most likely not born on December 25th they suggest us getting rid of Christmas altogether, that there… Continue reading How correct it is to celebrate Jesus´ birth on December 25th?

‘The Dream Has Happened: Pastor Brunson’s Prophetic Dream Reveals Chilling Truth of Turkish Invasion

JERUSALEM, Israel – As the Turkish military pushes deeper into northeast Syria forcing thousands to flee for their lives, US Pastor Andrew Brunson is revealing a chilling prophetic dream he had while he was falsely imprisoned in Turkey for two years.  “The dream has happened,” he told Fox News. “My goal is about declaring who… Continue reading ‘The Dream Has Happened: Pastor Brunson’s Prophetic Dream Reveals Chilling Truth of Turkish Invasion

Bersyukurlah Dengan Apa Yang Ada Padamu

Bersyukurlah Dengan Apa Yang Ada Padamu Mari kita lihat cerita singkat dibawah ini: Seorang Pria di jalan:  “oh, saya berharap saya memiliki sepeda” Pria di atas sepeda:  “Oh tidak, motornya bagus sekali, saya berharap saya dapat memilikinya” Pria di atas sepeda motor: “Tuhan! mengapa Engkau tidak memberikan saya mobil?” Pria yang di atas sepeda motor… Continue reading Bersyukurlah Dengan Apa Yang Ada Padamu