
All lives matter

One of the glories of humanity is that we are all different.  We have different gifts and different strengths.  Different personalities – different likes and dislikes.  And there’s a positive rainbow of skin tones and bodily types.  Yet all alike are made in the image of God, and all are to be equally valued and respected.  Difference is to be respected,… Continue reading All lives matter

A protocol for Church Services in the Age of Sars-CoV-2

The Situation For a couple of months now churches around the world have refrained from meeting in order to safeguard their communities and themselves from the dangers of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Although there are many things that are not yet knowledge for sure about this virus, we do have some provisional knowledge that can guide… Continue reading A protocol for Church Services in the Age of Sars-CoV-2

How and Why Muslims Delude Themselves about Islam

Egypt’s leading Muslim cleric and sheikh, Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb—also known as Pope Francis’s “wolf in sheep’s clothing”—recently asserted a demonstrable falsehood.  On April 30, 2020, during his televised program that appears every year around Ramadan and is watched by millions in Egypt and the Arab world, the Grand Imam of the Islamic world’s most prestigious university,… Continue reading How and Why Muslims Delude Themselves about Islam

Christian Strategy in the ‘Final’ Century (Part 2)

The noise of the earth seems to have slowed down as the COVID-19 or Coronavirus epidemic has taken hold across many nations.  In this pestilence of Biblical proportions, it is worth considering how the Church of Christ should prepare for the future and best navigate these troubled waters and dark times until the promised time… Continue reading Christian Strategy in the ‘Final’ Century (Part 2)

The Starvation of the Christians and Hindus in Pakistan

Christians and other minorities in Pakistan face starvation as they are denied food aid for refusing to convert to Islam. Islamic foundations that are well-funded by Pakistan’s government force them to embrace Islam. Otherwise, they cannot receive aid during this coronavirus pandemic.  Especially Christians and Hindus face extreme discrimination in Pakistan. Saylani Welfare International Trust… Continue reading The Starvation of the Christians and Hindus in Pakistan

The world can no longer ignore wilful starvation

More reports are being posted of the systematic starvation of Christians, Hindus and other members of minority faiths in Pakistan.  Asia News reports two cases in Pakistan of Hindus and Christians being denied government food aid during the coronavirus crisis. According to the news story, “without the help of… a Muslim human rights activist, 120… Continue reading The world can no longer ignore wilful starvation

Tree and Its Fruit

Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus said; “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves. You will know them by their fruit. Grapes aren’t gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles, are they? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a rotten tree produces bad fruit.… Continue reading Tree and Its Fruit

Jesus’ teaching about revenge

Matthew 5:38-42, Jesus said; “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evildoer. On the contrary, whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well. If anyone wants to sue you and… Continue reading Jesus’ teaching about revenge

Teaching of Jesus about how to Prayer

Matthew 6:5-15, Jesus said; “And whenever you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. I tell all of you with certainty, they have their full reward! But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the… Continue reading Teaching of Jesus about how to Prayer

Love your Enemies

Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus said; “You have heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you will become children of your Father in heaven because he makes his sun rise on both evil… Continue reading Love your Enemies