
Human Rights And The Bible

Summary: Where in history do we first hear of “human rights”? Some will tell you: in the Enlightenment (the 17th and 18th Centuries). In fact, the idea is much older than that. The concept of rights that belong to all people is already present in the Scriptures. A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a… Continue reading Human Rights And The Bible

Does God choose us to be His own?

Welcome to Jesus Christ for Muslims. My name is Mike, And I am so glad that you clicked to watch this video. Today we are just going to take few moments and talk about you have been chosen by God. It´s interesting; we see a pattern in the Bible that God tends to choose the… Continue reading Does God choose us to be His own?

Did Jesus ever prophecy the arrival of Muhammad as a Prophet?

God bless you today. And welcome to another segment with Jesus Christ for Muslims. Today we are answering questions that you the public have sent to us and I have to say that you guys have some of the best question that I ever had in my entire life and want to say that I… Continue reading Did Jesus ever prophecy the arrival of Muhammad as a Prophet?

The Age of the Universe – what does the Bible say?

The Bible is not a book of science, but it does claim to be ‘profitable for teaching’.  This implies, at the very least, it should not tell us things that are contradicted by reality, provided we possess a right understand both the Bible and reality.   The Bible is earnestly challenged by sceptics concerning the age… Continue reading The Age of the Universe – what does the Bible say?

Isa or Yeshua?

A week ago this surprising statement was made by the Prime Minister of Pakistan: “There is no mention of Jesus Christ in any books of history.” I wrote a rebuttal to it only yesterday. However, the exact phrase Mr. Khan used for Jesus Christ was ‘Hazrat Isa’. His use of the word Isa comes from… Continue reading Isa or Yeshua?

Science and Christianity – which is right?

Many people have stated that the Bible teaches that the creation was made 6,000 years ago in 6 days. The result of science is that creation started 13.7 billion years ago while the species of whom this author is a member emerged around 150,000 years ago. If we believe the science, and there is ample… Continue reading Science and Christianity – which is right?

Another Funeral for the Slain

Another Funeral for the Slain In Israel funerals has been held for two Jews who were murdered by an Arab in a drive-by shooting, which took place in Jerusalem. He wounded five others. He was eventually killed in order to stop him continuing to kill. The Muslim Arab was praised by the Palestinian Authority leaders… Continue reading Another Funeral for the Slain

Creation – How wrong did the Bible get it?

Creation of the universe has always been a controversial issue. We Christians believe in what Bible says about it but many do not agree with Bible and ask for scientific proofs. There seems to be no end to people and websites saying that they have the correct answers on anything and everything. And that includes the… Continue reading Creation – How wrong did the Bible get it?