
The Jews, Israel and the Christians – what are the connections and why do they matter?

Pick up a Bible, Old and New Testament, read it through (it is only about 1200 pages, the length of 4 good novels) and then consider what the Bible is claiming.  Write a shortlist of just some of the extraordinary perception-shifting claims the Bible makes.  Your list might read something like this: God Created the… Continue reading The Jews, Israel and the Christians – what are the connections and why do they matter?

Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

“The Turkish persecution of Pontian Greeks and other Christian peoples began after the fall of Trabzon, starting slowly at first and gradually becoming more widespread and terrifying… Many Christians reluctantly converted to Islam to avoid oppression… and merely to survive. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, approximately 250,000 Pontian Greeks were forced to convert…. and… Continue reading Turkey’s No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians

Message of the day – Denying God for worldly luxuries!

Matthew 10:33 – But whoever denies me before people I too, will deny before my Father in heaven. This is for those who are call themselves Christians but often deny their Lord Jesus Christ and feel ashamed of His name. Due to uncertainty about who Jesus is, or their preferences for luxuries, interests and selfishness, they… Continue reading Message of the day – Denying God for worldly luxuries!