
Isa or Yeshua?

A week ago this surprising statement was made by the Prime Minister of Pakistan: “There is no mention of Jesus Christ in any books of history.” I wrote a rebuttal to it only yesterday. However, the exact phrase Mr. Khan used for Jesus Christ was ‘Hazrat Isa’. His use of the word Isa comes from… Continue reading Isa or Yeshua?

No mention of Jesus Christ in any history!

Yes, the Prime Minister of Pakistan said: “There is no mention of Jesus Christ in any books of history”.  Imran Kham made this bold statement at a conference held to celebrate the (supposed) birthday of Mohammed. If that is the case, then none of the New Testament books are histories or historical sources.  Nor are… Continue reading No mention of Jesus Christ in any history!

Outlawing the criticism of religious ideas

Pakistan has begun a diplomatic effort to make it against international law for anyone to criticise a religion.  “Pakistan informs UN of initiative to counter defamation of religions,” Express Tribune, November 22, 2018: “Pakistan informed the United Nations (UN) on Thursday of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s initiative for an international campaign against defamation of religions.… Continue reading Outlawing the criticism of religious ideas

I am Asia Bibi!

In the 1960s film Sparticus, there is a memorable scene when the oppressive Romans are searching for the rebel slave Sparticus, to find him and kill him. Many of his fellow slaves stand up and, rather than denounce Sparticus, all claim to be him, shouting at the soldiers, ‘I’m Sparticus!’. In Pakistan at present, Imams… Continue reading I am Asia Bibi!

An Unsettled Briton: Confessions of a Second Generation, Christian, Immigrant

My mother left Holland when she was 17 to work in England as an au pair.  Two years later she was married and shortly after her 20th birthday she gave birth to a baby boy – me.  Four hundred years before Queen Elizabeth 1 was persuaded by one of her advisers that England should use… Continue reading An Unsettled Briton: Confessions of a Second Generation, Christian, Immigrant

The Campaign to end Western nation states

Next month the United Nations, that international body long dominated by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, will vote on a measure to make migration a human right.  It is sure to pass. It sounds a good thing, until you realise that Islamic strategists have long been following a plan to Islamise the West primarily… Continue reading The Campaign to end Western nation states

Britain just lost the Great War

It has been reported that the UK Government has refused the asylum request for Asia Bibi and her family.  In Pakistan, Asia Bibi was recently acquitted of the charge of blasphemy, but at present she and her family are still in grave danger, as the government of Pakistan have still not permitted her and her… Continue reading Britain just lost the Great War

Baptism – The First Step of Obedience

Baptism – The First Step of Obedience When it comes to following Christ and His example, one of the first things He did before He did any of His ministry, was that He got baptized. I find this amazing that the Son of God would humble himself to John the Baptist, a man here on… Continue reading Baptism – The First Step of Obedience

How to resist temptation?

How to resist temptation? As Christians we will one day be in heaven, in the physical realm with God. We´ll have perfect bodies, we won’t sin, we won’t have sadness, it will be complete joy and complete worship to Jesus. However, while we remain on earth, there is this thing called “temptation” and this thing… Continue reading How to resist temptation?

Beware of False Prophets and their Teachings

One of the negative things about being teachable is sitting under bad teaching. And the apostle Paul warned us that we would be in an era and time where many false prophets and many false teachers would arise, and while it´s great that we have the Bible and we have instruction, there are also pastors… Continue reading Beware of False Prophets and their Teachings