
Religions and States

Any Google search on religion and state will bring up many references to the separation of church and state, a very contentious topic in the United States of America.  The argument in that country seems to be that that the atheists object to Christians holding office and bringing Christian ideas of society to bear on… Continue reading Religions and States

Pakistani Christian Refugees in Thailand – Immigration Raids October 2018

Jesus once said to His followers that “for my namesake you will be persecuted”. This verse clearly fits on the 2,500 Pakistani Christians who fled their homeland facing persecution and found shelter in Thailand. It´s been 5 years that they are stateless with no hope for the future, trusting and relying only UNHCR, Thailand for… Continue reading Pakistani Christian Refugees in Thailand – Immigration Raids October 2018

Tanrı kəlamına inanmağın əhəmiyyəti

Tanrının kəlamı nədir? Bu xristiyan dini yazısından digər bir çox dini yazılara bənzər şəkildə sadəcə bir mətindirmi? Bu fantaziyadırmı və həqiqətlə bir əlaqəsi yoxdurmu? Bunlar ümumi olraq müsəlmanlardan aldığımız suallardır. Onlara görə Allah yeganə doğru Tanrıdır, Məhəmməd sonuncu peyğəmbərdir və Quran planetin yeganə müqəddəs kitabıdır. Rahib Samuel R Garza, Beynəlxalq Madrid kilsəsinin rahibi ilə bərabər… Continue reading Tanrı kəlamına inanmağın əhəmiyyəti

The Clock is Ticking – where are we in the timeline of Biblical prophecy?

Let me start with a health warning – understanding our position within Biblical prophecy can be very difficult, not because of the inaccuracy of scripture, but because of the very strong bias that we all have to favour our own prior beliefs and a tendency to only look at the big issues of our particular… Continue reading The Clock is Ticking – where are we in the timeline of Biblical prophecy?

Understanding Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation

For many the Book of Revelation at the end of the Bible is a mysterious and scary book.  It was given so that mankind would know what would happen after Jesus was ascended.  Many people believe that it was written about events happening at the time it was written and either addressed issues of persecution… Continue reading Understanding Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation

Is violence ever justified? A deeper examination of the Biblical position

Recently, JCM published an article on the subject of violence, in which the teacher, whom I respect, asserted that the Christian approach was never to return violence with violence, for Christ did not in his life, even when he was going to unjustly arrested and convicted. I said to JCM’s Director that I would like… Continue reading Is violence ever justified? A deeper examination of the Biblical position

Reflecting the character of Christ in our actions

Hi, welcome back to Jesus Christ for Muslims. My name is Mike Santiago and it´s such an honor to be with you for the next few moments. I want to share with you about the characteristics of a Christian that don´t have to do may be with people telling a testimony but instead living it… Continue reading Reflecting the character of Christ in our actions

What does the Bible say about respecting women?

What does the Bible say about respecting women? When God created humanity, He said that he created men and women in his image and in his likeness. God wanted to have a good and pure relationship with men and women alike, the sad reality is that many women in today´s world are being abused sexually,… Continue reading What does the Bible say about respecting women?

How Christ dealt with violence?

How Christ dealt with violence? Welcome to Jesus Christ for Muslims. My name is Mike. Over the next few minutes we are going to talk about how Christ handled violence in the scripture. At the very end of His time on earth, at the end of His 3 years ministry Christ is in a garden… Continue reading How Christ dealt with violence?

Is there a godly strategy for the Church to endure the challenge of Islam?

Apart from its internal fractures and stresses, the Church, or the Christian world, faces two major ideological challenges, Islam and secularism.  When seen from a global, rather than a Western perspective, the most potent of these is Islam. To understand why Islam is such a challenge, it must be understood what its enduring core objective… Continue reading Is there a godly strategy for the Church to endure the challenge of Islam?