
Message of the Day – Motives for Communicating Faith

Why do people attempt to communicate about their faith to others? What motives exist behind that? Christians do it. Muslims do it. Atheists do it. But why? This first reason, and the principle justification, is a desire to genuinely assist others through the dissemination of what one understands to be true. After all, the only… Continue reading Message of the Day – Motives for Communicating Faith

Message of the day – The Contents of the Bible

In some cultures and religions it is forbidden to read the Bible. The authorities do not want their people knowing what it says. Perhaps they do not know what it says. So I thought I would provide a brief contents page by telling briefly their subject matter. The Bible is in essence a book of… Continue reading Message of the day – The Contents of the Bible

My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This statement Jesus made while he was on the Cross, and some have argued that this shows Jesus was not the Son of God or divine in any sense.  But is that really so?  To understand this saying properly, we need to see the larger picture. Putting… Continue reading My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?

What is the difference between Omran Daqneesh and the Pakistani Christian children in Thailand?

On August 18th 2016 the images of a Syrian Child (Omran Daqneesh) bloodied and covered with dust, sitting silently in an ambulance awaiting help, had gone viral and moved hearts of the international community towards helping the Muslim refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq etc. Millions of Muslim refugees were taken in by west last… Continue reading What is the difference between Omran Daqneesh and the Pakistani Christian children in Thailand?

The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ

The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ So many human ideologies and religions reduce the status of humankind. For example, this is what secular humanism has to teach about human beings: The earth is a tiny spec in a vast universe, and therefore irrelevant Humans are an temporary evolutionary accident in… Continue reading The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ

Prayer of Surrender to Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, I surrender before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give Thee… Continue reading Prayer of Surrender to Lord Jesus Christ

Status of Non-Muslims in Islam

The bigger picture that we see of the Islamic world today is brutal, violent and simply ferocious. Muslim keyboard ninjas residing in the West are found everywhere defending Islam as a peaceful religion and giving a totally different perspective of the Quran from what it actually says. They twist and turn the Quranic verses claiming… Continue reading Status of Non-Muslims in Islam

Christians in Pakistan – Begging for Rights, Respect & Dignity

Mr. Shahbaz Gulzar, a Pakistani Christian human rights activist shares his testimony with us through this video that how Christians in Pakistan are victim of injustice. Especially because of the blasphemy law which was introduced by General Zia Ul Haq. Muslims easily use this law against Christian community in order to harass them. Due to… Continue reading Christians in Pakistan – Begging for Rights, Respect & Dignity

Christian Pastors – A call to follow the good Shepherd

Today “Graham Ford” the president of “Jesus Christ for Muslims” & “Partners with the Persecuted” ministries shares his experience with us through this video that how he noticed some Church leaders, Pastors and missionaries like to live in a particular way rather than living with the similar economic conditions to the people they are seeking… Continue reading Christian Pastors – A call to follow the good Shepherd

Sects in Christianity – Dividing the Church of Christ

Sects in Christianity – Dividing the Church of Christ When asked about religion, we often find many Christians proudly correcting us for belonging to the Mormons, Catholics or the Evangelical faith. They don’t realize that they are giving the chance to the enemy to laugh at us. Why have we divided ourselves in such categories?… Continue reading Sects in Christianity – Dividing the Church of Christ